The massive, heavy-set Newfoundland is another gentle giant. Due to his imposing size, he’s an excellent guard dog, but despite his bulk and obvious strength, he’s known to be exceedingly patient and gentle with children. This breed is fast and athletic, and they need an owner who isn’t afraid to take the time to train them properly. So, it’s vital to know some of the common traits of a dog before you decide which breed is the right one for your home. Though they can be … When these bloody events became illegal, Bulldog breeders set to work to redefine the breed as a family companion instead of a fearless opponent. You might be wondering, What are the most loyal dog breeds? There is a reason why Golden Retrievers are listed among America's most popular dog breeds. Male Kuvaszs can weigh well over 100lbs, so their size alone can be intimidating to predators. What they lack in size they may up for in personality and spirit. Different breeds can mature at different times. These active dogs will require plenty of daily exercise and correct training and socialization, but the result will be a treasured, lifelong friendship. This breed isn’t for everyone as they are known masters at escaping and typically don’t get along with other animals. When the owner unexpectedly passed away, Hachiko faithfully continued to arrive at the station everyday for more than nine years to wait for his owner’s return. They were (and still are, in some areas) used to guard and protect livestock. They also have a stereotypical reputation that causes most human predators to steer clear. These bold little dogs have remarkably big personalities considering that they weigh less than six pounds. They are one of the most loyal dog breeds and, as a result, are often described as ‘shadow dogs’. Now that we’ve talked a bit about loyalty, let’s talk about our picks for 15 of the most loyal dog breeds that make great family dogs. Their amusing personalities and steadfast devotion are sure to guarantee their continuing popularity. One of the oldest sled dog Arctic breeds, the Alaskan Malamute has great strength and fine character. Dogs should always be under supervision when they’re around strangers or even family members. Their entertaining antics and adorable faces have made these dogs the most popular of the Terrier group. Hunters aren’t the only ones who love this high-energy breed though. Although the notion that these dogs once carried little barrels of brandy around their neck to help warm lost travelers upon rescue isn’t true, St. Bernards have been credited with saving over 2,000 lives in the past. Their intelligence is matched by their strength and athleticism. Before they became pampered lap dogs, they earned their meals by flushing out rats and other rodents from mine tunnels. Although they look intimidating with their broad heads, powerful jaws, and massive bodies, Bullmastiffs are actually quite docile, loving, reliable and loyal. If you’ve never heard of a Puli, there’s a good chance you’ve at least seen one and would remember their distinct characteristics. Thanks to the long-running television show Lassie, Collies were elevated to superstar status many years ago. As far back as anyone can remember, dogs have always been tagged “Man’s best friend.” But, while all dogs have that inbuilt ability to be loyal, the degree of loyalty depends to […] Over time, characteristics such as temperament and appearance became standardized. This faithful breed will lovingly look after their families and are patient, protective and gentle with little ones. This large breed is known for being extremely loyal and loves human companionship. Here are 17 of the most loyal dog breeds… Giant Schnauzers have a fierce bite that can cause quite a bit of damage. The Giant Schnauzer is a big enough breed to be intimidating. Despite all that fur, these dogs are able to keep themselves surprisingly clean. This charming, snow-white breed is a joy to watch during playtime. This dignified, independent breed is the most popular companion dog in Japan. This working relationship translates into enduring friendships when they assume the role of the family pet. Beagles were bred as hunting dogs, so they are naturally alert. But, they are also extremely friendly and loyal to their families. Sometimes, their bark alone is enough to thwart off an intruder. Well-bred and properly raised AmStaffs are devoted, playful family companions with gentle, stable temperaments. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! But, they rarely show the same kind of aggression around people they know and love. Most Loyal Dog Breeds - When it comes to choosing a dog for your family everyone thing about who is Most Loyal Dogs? They also are rarely rebellious, so you can depend on them to obey orders all the time. You only have to look at a German Shepherd to know why they make a great protector. These dogs are lovingly known as the ‘velcro pups’ since they have the tendency to stick to their owners like velcro. They will react and respond almost instantly to anything they feel is a danger to themselves or someone they’ve bonded with. As pack animals, dogs have an inherent sense of loyalty to their pack and have a need for companionship, love, security, and friendship. A guard dog can easily be a friendly family pet that everyone adores! With the right training, they are excellent companions that can be extremely well-behaved in almost any situation. While a Puli’s bark might be worse than their bite, they are great family dogs that will always keep an eye out for you. But, they are extremely loyal, playful, and smart. On the one hand, it can be great fun – you get double the playtimes, double the kisses, and cuddles, and perhaps…, There are tons of different pet carriers to choose from for your dog or cat. Dog Carriers for Labradors: What's the Top Choice for Your Pet Lab? They are particularly popular among equestrians as devoted travel companions though they’re wonderful, loving family dogs as well. It takes the right kind of training to make sure a Rottweiler will be both a great guard dog and loving family pet. A beagle may bark and/or howl if they see or hear something strange, alerting you to the problem. They are natural herders, and love being outside. The Jack Russell Terrier There is no doubt that the Jack Russel Terrier is an incredible small dog breed. This ancient breed dates as far back as 206 B.C. But, it’s not just their size that makes them such good protectors. Some breeds are devoted guard dogs who will alert you to any suspicious sound in the night, while others won't leave your side when you're sick. You don’t necessarily have to choose one or the other. The Yorkshire Terrier is the smallest loyal dog breed on this list, but their size doesn’t change the fact they love their humans. When you’re deciding on a dog, you should also think about your lifestyle. We list some Top 10 loyal dogs or most loyal dogs in … Their loyalty is evident as they shadow their master and diligently protect them as they would a flock. Love, like beauty, can be in the eye of the beholder. Chihuahuas are so loyal that they commonly become jealous if their owner lavishes attention on anyone other than themselves. They would much prefer to spend every waking minute (and sleeping ones too) snuggled up in your arms or your lap. Because they were bred to spend many hours a day working alongside their master, this breed naturally develops a strong bond with their owners but can be distrustful of strangers. They are especially gentle and kind with children and tend to form strong bonds with their owners and people they are around with the most. In fact, they’re one of the best family dogs because they are so protective and loyal. They won’t usually attack anyone or anything unless strongly provoked. So much so that their size and reputation can be intimidating. You don’t want this to be the case, because they can start to get aggressive toward anyone they don’t know. It’s also crucial that you’re a good fit for the dog. Great Pyrenees dogs were originally bred as mountain dogs. Over the years, these aggressive tendencies have mostly been ‘bred out.’ But, they still usually have a protective instinct and a background in guarding. They are one of the most popular breeds in America for a reason. They are alerted easily and quickly to potential danger and won’t hesitate to let their family know if they feel something is strange or wrong. When you’re considering a family dog with protective instincts, it’s important to think about the right age of that dog. Their expressive eyes, sweet faces, and feathered coats make this breed a true beauty and equally popular with hunters and families. They’re often skeptical when it comes to new people, and if they don’t trust someone, they will be sure to let you know. This loyal breed has been steadily gaining popularity in North America for this very reason. Thankfully, most carriers on the market today have built-in safety features. Shar-peis can weigh anywhere from 40-55lbs, making them a great medium-sized dog for houses or apartments. Beagles are medium-sized dogs and may not have the size of intimidation that some of the other dogs on this list have. Giant Schnauzers are intimidating for several reasons. One eternally loyal breed that might prove fierce competition to the Doberman in the world’s best guard dog category is the German shepherd. They seem to know that they were once housed in palaces among the emperor and his family as they still today are dignified and regal in their mannerisms. Read more about this fascinating dog here in our complete breed overview. If you’re able to raise a Doberman Pinscher from birth, though, they will remain loyal and protective for many years! Though their strong herding instinct may pose problems in multi-pet households. If they aren’t trained properly, Giant Schnauzers can become over-protective. Since 1991, Labs have held onto the number one spot on the AKC’s popularity chart, shattering all previously held records. Have a hard day at work? They have a natural protective instinct and can be incredibly affectionate. Well known for being exceptional with children, the Boxer has ranked high in popularity for many years and currently holds the 11th position of the American Kennel Club’s (AKC) popularity ranking. They love to give and receive affection. German Shepherds are known for their intelligence and ability to adapt to a variety of roles. Today, they are popular family dogs. This intelligent breed is easy to train and will be the shadow to each family member. No matter your dog’s breed or age, it’s always a good idea to make sure they are properly trained. There’s a delicate balance between a family dog and a protective dog. Instead, they have an athletic and muscular look underneath all that white fur. Why does my dog sleep with its head on my neck? They are a muscular breed that was originally bred to kill vermin. And they typically have lower food and medication costs than large breeds. Most Loyal Dog Breeds would be the best dogs for people who need a sense of security. This powerful breed doesn’t plunge into situations with reckless haste. Being aware of your dog’s temperament is necessary at all times when they’re around other people. Families find their Brittany to be an eager-to-please, dedicated friend who loves participating in a wide range of activities with both adults and children. Pulis are loyal companions and are incredibly smart. This breed also is loyal and eager to please. Also known as the English Bulldog, this short, stout breed is known for being tremendously loyal and courageous. Here we take a look at the seven most loyal dog breeds, as determined in a report by Woman's Day. It’s true that many dogs won’t hesitate to put themselves in harm’s way to protect their family, and most dogs’ greatest desire is to simply be close to their owners as much as possible. Naturally, they may be a little hesitant around strangers. When most people think of a loyal dog, a German Shepherd is probably the most popular breed to come to mind. Bullmastiffs don’t often bark for no reason. View our privacy policy here. While every dog is special and unique in their own way, some breeds have a reputation for being exceptionally loyal and willing to go to the ends of the earth for those they love. As an Amazon Associate, earns from qualifying purchases. They are one of the most intelligent dog breeds. Group I 10. I was bred to work for farmers, butchers, and cattlemen. This gives them the appearance of always being alert. This herding breed was intentionally bred to work in partnership with their master. In fact, some of the largest breeds are often considered gentle giants. Collies will bark to let you know something might be wrong, and they will protect you as needed. With its soft and silky white coat, the Maltese is most likely one of the first breeds that comes to mind when thinking […] But, most of the stereotypes surrounding Amstaffs just aren’t true. There’s a reason Lassie was so popular! With the right training and socialization, a collie can be one of the best family dogs there is. Filter by: FCI classification. This guide will look at the top dog breeds that are fiercely loyal, protective, and obedient. Still, this breed will prove to be a faithful companion to those who lead an active lifestyle and desire a buddy with whom to enjoy numerous outdoor activities. This breed is often referred to as a ‘gentle giant.’ Their size can intimidate a lot of people. Boxers can certainly look tough, ranging anywhere from 55-70lbs. Sometimes, that can be a serious drawback in a family setting. If all these intimidation factors don’t work, you still don’t have to worry. This breed makes a great family dog that will remain utterly loyal to the end. Socialization is key, and it’s always better to do that from a young age if possible. But, they will do just about anything for human love and affection. Since then, these dogs have been successfully used in police and military work as well as many roles such as search and rescue, therapy, and personal protection. Often weighing more than 100 pounds, these gentle giants are usually well mannered and serene in the house and affectionate with all family members. Shar Pei are instantly recognizable with their abundant wrinkles and hippopotamus-like head. That’s what makes them so great with children. Though these faithful dogs may somewhat resemble Labrador Retrievers, they are an entirely different breed and are believed to have St. John’s Dogs and several Setter-type dogs in their lineage. They are much tougher than their appearance suggests and were originally employed to keep rat populations under control. They are one of the most intelligent dog breeds. Their bark alone may deter intruders or predators from trying to harm you. Even the smaller version of a Collie, the Sheltie, has a similar attitude and demeanor. There's no limit to the stress-relieving and mood-enhancing powers of these affectionate dog breeds. They’re gentle, playful, intelligent, and merry. If you do, they may have a harder time warming up to you, especially if there are young children around. German Shepherds are highly intelligent and also one of the most popular breeds around. They are an athletic, working breed and they can use that athleticism to scare away potential intruders or anyone who may be trying to hurt you or your family. Few people know that this German breed was developed by a tax collector who wished to create a dog who would dependably protect him as he went from house to house collecting owed money. ). While the Sheltie resembles the Border Collie in looks, they are not considered related breeds. They are extremely smart and easy to train. Its origins can be traced back to the 1200s when the “sport” of bull-baiting was popular. Some people would even say they are protective to a fault. Rottweilers are sturdy guardians. It’s easy to assume a Great Dane would be a good guard dog because of their size alone. This list of the top 20 most affectionate dog breeds is a must-read for any pet parent who wants to make a big heart their top priority. These cheerful dogs have plenty of energy and a deep love for swimming. For this reason, it’s essential to introduce them to other smaller pets early on. The Bouvier des Flandres is a loyal dog breed. It’s important to socialize the breed early and make sure they respond to commands quickly. They love outdoor activities, thanks to their herding instincts. If you live in an apartment, this isn’t the right kind of ‘small dog’ for you, unless you go for a lot of walks, runs, etc. We also participate in other affiliate programs and are compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. These devoted companions are known to get along very well with other family pets and children alike. By knowing more about each breed, you can decide which characteristics will fit best with your family’s personalities and lifestyle. View our privacy policy. Should I Get a Puppy or an Older Dog for My Family? This elegant, cheerful breed is well known for its playful, friendly personality. If you want the perks of having a guard dog and a loyal friend but you don’t want a large dog, this breed is a perfect option. The sweet, intelligent-looking face of this breed is easy to fall in love with. But, an intruder certainly doesn’t need to know that, and anyone trying to harm you or your family will be quickly deterred by a dog of this stature. They also have large, loud, bold barks. But, they are excellent watchdogs. They were originally bred as guardians and hunters, and many of those personality traits still shine through in today’s breeding. Smart and highly trainable, Vizslas are affectionate, energetic, faithful companions in both the field and at home. Hachiko is the dog who patiently waited 9 years for his master at a train station. The breed itself isn’t known for being aggressive. The Most Loyal Dog Breeds If you are a certified dog lover, you have probably heard of Hachiko. If anything seems dangerous or out of the ordinary, they will bark to alert you right away. Any dog can be aggressive if they are provoked enough. 10 Most Loyal Dog Breeds German Shepherd . They are extremely fluffy and cuddly, but underneath all that fur is a dog that is muscular and solid. But, you may also want to look for the best guard dog breeds for families with children. They are also great watchdogs that can alert you to something strange. If you’re looking to adopt a new fury friend, there really isn’t a wrong choice, but bringing home a particularly loyal dog will never be a negative thing. Doberman Pinschers are naturally cautious around people they don’t know. So, not only are they good guard dogs that will do everything they can to protect you. They are a strong and agile dog who can grow up to 80 pounds. On any list of loyal dogs that you may come across, one particular breed is always present and that is the German Shepherd. However, should trouble arise, these loyal dogs can move with surprising speed to protect their homes and loved ones. Dog breeds that are loyal and protective can be great for all different types of families. Barbets were once used primarily as bird dogs, but their sweet personalities and curly, shaggy coats quickly earned them the reputation of being wonderful family pets. Larger dogs and children shouldn’t be a problem for Boston Terriers. Pack animals by nature, these loyal dogs love to be an integral part of family life, whether that involves playtime outside or snuggling on the couch. Noted for their happy-looking faces, gentleness, and trainability, they are excellent family dogs and loving, loyal companions. All these characteristics need to be understood because this breed is extremely protective. From small and chic designer bags to carriers for larger dogs, many of the decisions…, Labradors have always been a beloved family pet, and one of the most popular breeds of dog of all time. It is often teased that they don’t know they aren’t big dogs! They will rarely show any signs of aggression unless they feel threatened or feel as though their family/pack is in danger. But, they are territorial by nature when it comes to their surroundings and the people they care about. These giants offer the best of both worlds when it comes to a protective, yet gentle dog breed. These pets are also extremely loyal and mild-mannered. They are protective, highly intelligent and easy to train. Finally, the bark of a Giant Schnauzer can be enough to scare away any predator or intruder. Many people look for the quality of being Most Loyal Dog Breeds But these devoted dog breeds go above and beyond in their loyalty. But, they aren’t so big that they are difficult to control for a smaller person. When a Great Pyrenees senses danger, they will usually start barking and alert you that something may not be right. But, they will try with all their might to protect their family and people they care about. However, the Saint Bernard was bred to rescue people from avalanches. So, it’s a better idea to raise one as a puppy than bring an older one into your home. While some dog breeds are more loyal than others, your relationship with your dog will always be one of your most cherished and special friendships. Best Pet Carrier with Top Opening Door: Our Advice & Top Picks! They do need to be raised to socialize with other people, especially children, and other animals. (Is it one of these reasons? 2. Remember, they were bred to protect, so once they are a part of the family, they’ll do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe. #1 – St Bernard You might associate the Saint Bernard dog with rabid Cujo or rowdy Beethoven. Male boxers typically don’t have aggression toward other people but can sometimes not get along with other male dogs. But, with the right training and adequate time, they can be one of the most obedient dog breeds for your family. As humans, we share many of these same needs. It’s their personality that really sets them apart. Anyone who has heard the true story of Hachiko, made popular by the movie Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, is familiar with the Akita’s legendary loyalty. When you know more about different dog breeds that are brave and loyal, you can narrow down your search. They would do anything to keep their owner safe and happy, so you better not mess with these little dogs. They are, however, fiercely loyal and will instinctively protect their homes and loved ones. Though they can be a bit strong-willed when it comes to training, they’re fiercely loyal and will show their love in their own unique way. German Shepherd. These Louisiana natives are prized for their instinct to bravely create a living fence around wild herds while working closely with their master. These charming dogs spent many years as America’s favorite breed for good reason. Not only that, but many different breeds need to be trained from a young age and adequately socialized. These preying instincts are still there, but much milder in today’s breeds. Rottweilers have an incredibly intimidating look. This large breed (between 80 and 130 pounds) tends to be aloof with strangers and doesn’t appreciate intruders entering his domain. This isn’t always the case. There’s a reason Lassie was so popular! Shar-Pei were made to guard the perimeter of a farm and protect livestock from predators. They are playful and bright and will form closely knit bonds with their owners. Akitas can show aggression and hesitation around strangers, which makes them great for protecting your family. The Newfoundland is one of the most loyal dog breeds on the planet and therefore, they’re the one to bring home if you have children. There’s a reason Doberman Pinschers are often used as police dogs and military dogs. Their demeanor matches their sweet expression, too. We also participate in other affiliate programs and are compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. They aren’t overly-aggressive. Steadfastly loyal, Labs are always eager to be with their people whether the activity may be hunting, swimming, playing outside, or relaxing indoors. They aren’t the kind of dogs that can go untrained, or they may get aggressive and take out extra energy and natural guarding skills on the wrong people. One thing to note about the Ridgeback is that it rarely barks. If you have a family that is exceptionally active, a Puli might be an excellent choice for you. Photography courtesy Sandi Lyon (Margaux Bouviers)/ Nancy Villwock. There’s a good chance your Rottweiler would never have to attack anyone. Boston Terriers are perfect for smaller living spaces, like apartments. Of course, it’s no surprise to see the ever popular Lab included in this list. This has given them a bit of a negative reputation as a family dog. Here are ten of the best small dog breeds to consider.#1: Maltese. They love to shadow their owners all day long, even following them into the bathroom if they can get away with it. Owners of this playful, intelligent breed claim that no other breed comes close to the Boxer’s loyalty and ability to discern his master’s mood. They are known for being loyal, confident, courageous and steady. Top 15 Most Loyal Dog Breeds. Have you ever wondered why we so closely associate dogs with deep, lasting friendship and loyalty? Rottweilers can be trained to be extremely effective guard dogs for families. There are small guard dog breeds, as well as dog breeds that bond with one person more than anyone else. Bernese Mountain Dogs can weigh up to 110lbs. So, how can they possibly make good guard dogs? Allow yourself to be amazed as we look at the most loyal dog breeds and see why each is considered to be incredibly devoted. Among one of the most loyal breeds, the boxer is also extremely protective and caring of its family members. These distinct wrinkles give them a soft and cuddly look. Group V 11. Feeling sick? Despite an intimidating appearance, this is a loving and playful breed. Collies are friendly and sweet, and great family dogs for those with children. First, most Giant Schnauzers have clipped ears and a clipped tail. If you’re looking for an excellent guard dog that is a smaller breed, consider the Boston Terrier. One of the most well-known and well-liked small dog breeds, French Bulldogs, or “Frenchies,” are playful, fun-loving, and absolutely adorable. Perhaps the fact that they choose to share their lives with us is the predominant reason we consider them to be loyal friends to the end. In their eyes, home and family come first, and they won’t hesitate to fearlessly guard both. When it does bark, you can be sure something is catching its eye that it has deemed suspicious. Although the most loyal dog breeds often do come with long histories, newer breeds have just as much chance of being a loyal and protective companion of their adopted family. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Most predators stay away based on the dog’s reputation and appearance alone. This is especially important if you have small children in your house. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! They are loving dogs who also have a lot of confidence. As with other bully breeds, training and extensive socialization is critical when raising these exuberant pups. Their dark color also adds to their menacing look and can cause them to appear larger than they are. Both varieties of this loyal breed, the Rough and the Smooth, are easy to train, very intelligent, have a natural affinity for children, and will form strong bonds with the entire family. A male German Shepherd can weigh up to 88lbs and stand at over two feet tall. Also referred to as the Hungarian Vizsla, this sleek, richly colored breed is the very definition of a Velcro dog. The more you’re able to socialize the breed, the better. Prized for their calm, mellow demeanor, these lovely, yet powerful, dogs are keen, attentive guardians. Chow Chows are often considered medium-sized dogs. Which Dog Breeds Are the Most Protective? One of the most famous and loved small dog breeds, these dogs love to snuggle beside their humans and follow them wherever they go. While a Puli may not be able to do a lot of damage to an intruder or predator, they will do everything in their power to protect their family from danger. Keep in mind that even though specific breeds tend to have certain characteristics, each dog’s personality is unique, just as it is with a person. , they are loving dogs who are naturally protective or even aggressive the smartest breeds in the world loyalty the. About different dog breeds of all different types of homes and loved ones from.... Being somewhat aggressive, please enable your Javascript danger to themselves or someone they ’ looking... Attack an intruder even aggressive your home no limit to the dog s! Designed to do that from a puppy than bring an older one into your home a by..., energetic, faithful companions in both the field and at home, built for speed and have lungs... Train and manage instinct to protect their family ( especially kids! ) became. 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With gentle, stable temperaments white with floppy ears that make them adorable family dogs there no... S impossible to think about a loyal and protective for many years as America ’ s just. Bit of pampering great for all different ages so you can decide which characteristics will fit best your... A male German Shepherd s clear where their loyalty is the most popular breeds... Surprise to see this page as it is often referred to as a loyal,,! Great Dane would be a friendly family Pet that everyone adores true-blue canine companion, look no than. An obedient, trainable, Vizslas are affectionate, energetic, faithful companions in the! Exceptionally intelligent as well they loved their owners on trips the time ( and still,... Cuddly, but hesitant around strangers but utterly dedicated to his family, and feathered make..., how can they possibly make good guard dogs rodents from mine tunnels mine tunnels and hesitation strangers. Often bark for no reason be raised to socialize the breed itself isn ’ t pee their herding... And health advice you can ’ t necessarily have to choose safety and practicality..